Reminder of deadline for protection of pre-6 April 2007 tenancy deposits
What must landlords of statutory periodic tenancies that arose after 6 April 2007 do to comply with the tenancy deposit legislation? The Deregulation Act 2015 (DA 2015) deals with an issue of concern that arose in Superstrike Ltd v Rodrigues [2013] All ER (D) 135...
Capital Allowances: Why Advising Clients to seek specialist help should be part of lawyers’ DNA
John Lovell of Lovell Consulting , interviewed by Melissa Moore of LexisPSL Property, reflects on how changes to the Finance Act in April 2014 have affected real estate transactions. Why are capital allowances important to property clients and their lawyers?...
The Housing Bill Soapbox #QueensSpeech
Three main elements: 1) Home ownership- Right to Buy Helping more housing association tenants to buy their own home by extending the Right to Buy levels of discount to housing association tenants and requiring local authorities to dispose of high-value vacant council...
Could the Consumer Rights Act 2015 affect the property sector?
What impact could the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA 2015) have on the property sector? Brie Stevens-Hoare QC of Hardwicke examines the likely implications of the new legislation. CRA 2015 is likely to impact on sections of the property sector, particularly...
The Next Five Years in Property
Following the general election 2015, Johnny Kelly, associate in the real estate group at Mishcon de Reya, considers what the election result could mean for the property sector. What does the result mean for your practice area? One form of uncertainty is replaced by...
The next five years in planning
With the political dust settling from the general election, Richard Harwood OBE QC of 39 Essex Chambers considers what the election result could mean for the planning sector. What does the election result mean for planning? The election of a majority Conservative...