<p>Welcome to our final podcast for 2019! In this podcast, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies of 6 Pump Court take us through the following environmental law updates:</p><ul><li>a look at the relationship between requests for disclosure under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and legal professional privilege; </li><li>the Committee on Climate Change&rsquo;s (CCC) most recent call for evidence; and</li><li>the latest EU developments on green finance</li></ul><p>To listen to the podcast, click <a href="https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/blog/docs/default-source/purpose-built-documents/2019_12_09_environmentalpodcast.mp3?sfvrsn=d1f93a36_2&amp;download=true" data-sf-ec-immutable="">here</a>.</p><p><b>The relationship between requests for disclosure under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and legal professional privilege- listen from 0.40 seconds</b></p><p>In the first part of the podcast, Chris and Mark take us through the recent case of <i>Brooksbank v the Information Commissioner. </i>In this surprising case, we hear about the public interest factors which favoured disclosure of privileged instructions to law</p>
Source: LexisNexis Purpose Built
Environmental law news podcast – December 2019