<p><img src="[images%7COpenAccessDataProvider]0f333b7c-ec57-43c2-81c7-17683d7affae" sf-size="897615"><br></p><p>A round up of key developments in the energy sector covered by Lexis®PSL Energy this week. </p><p> </p><h2>Capacity Market and balancing services</h2><p> </p><h5>What does the future look like for the Capacity Market in the UK?</h5><p><a href="[f669d9a7-009d-4d83-ddaa-000000000002]9A5FC7F8-A1E5-4F91-B6F0-0C9AA0F37226">Energy analysis</a>: Anna Sweeney, senior knowledge lawyer in the infrastructure, projects and energy team at Addleshaw Goddard, outlines the government’s latest consultations on the capacity market (CM) and explains what’s coming next. </p><div><br></div><h5>Invitation for comment on UK capacity market published in the Official Journal</h5><p>The European Commission has reached the <a data-sf-ec-immutable="" href="http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?toc=OJ:C:2019:109:TOC&uri=uriserv:OJ.C_.2019.109.01.0003.01.ENG">preliminary conclusion</a> that the UK Capacity Market contributes to an objective of common interest and is necessary. The Commission has invited parties in the UK to submit their comments and to provide all information that may help assess the measure. The letter inviting comments was published in the Official Journal on 22 March 2019. </p><div><br></div><h5>Government publishes Capacity Market (Amendment) (No 2) Rules 2019</h5><p>The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has published the <a data-sf-ec-immutable="" href="https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/786989/capacity-market-amendment-no2-rules-2019.pdf">Capacity Market (Amendment) (No 2) Rules 2019</a>. The rules come into force on the same day that the Electricity Capacity (No 1) Regulations 2019 come into force. The rules amend Rule 1.2, 1.3 in Chapter 1 (General Provisions) and make amendments to Chapter 16 (Modifications in respect of Capacity Agreements existing on 15 November 2018 and in respect of the T-1 Auction for the Delivery Year commencing on 1 October 2019). The rules enable the T-1 2019 auction to operate during the scheme’s ‘standstill’ period, pending the outcome of the European Commission’s in-depth investigation of the UK’s Capacity Market. </p><div><br></div><h5>Government updates guidance notes on its Storage and Scale competition</h5><p>The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has updated its guidance notes and application form for its <a data-sf-ec-immutable="" href="https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/789238/Storage_at_Scale-Competition_Guidance_Notes_March_2019.pdf">Storage and Scale competition</a>. The competition is seeking innovative and replicable solutions in order to offer a market competitive alternative to conventional commercial large-scale energy technologies. Up to £20m in funding will be available from 2019-21 to fund up to three demonstration projects. The deadline for operational testing is December 2021.</p><p> </p><h2>Renewable energy</h2><p> </p><h5>Ofgem publishes guidance for suppliers under the Renewables Obligation</h5><p>Ofgem has published <a data-sf-ec-immutable="" href="https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ data-sf-ec-immutable="" href=""></a data-sf-ec-immutable="" href="https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ></p>
Source: LexisNexis Purpose Built
Energy weekly highlights - 29 March 2019