DEFRA launches environment watchdog consultation, Public Accounts Committee’s damning assessment of DEFRA’s Brexit preparations, EU infringement proceedings for air quality

Welcome to our monthly environmental law newscast produced in partnership with Christopher Badger, Barrister, 6 Pump Court.

In this bulletin, we consider some of the key legal developments in the environmental law field in May 2018, including:

  • DEFRA launches environment watchdog consultation;
  • Public Account Committee’s damning assessment of DEFRA’s Brexit preparations; and
  • EU infringement proceedings for air quality

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DEFRA launches environment watchdog consultation – tune in from 0.33 secs

DEFRA has launched a 12-week consultation in which it states that a new Environmental Principles and Governance Bill will create a ‘new, world-leading, independent environmental watchdog to hold government to account on the UK’s environmental ambitions and obligations’ once the UK has left the EU.

Christopher takes us through some of the key issues raised in the consultation and highlights some of the criticisms these proposals are facing.

Public Account Committee’s damning assessment of DEFRA’s Brexit preparations – tune in from 3.07 mins

On 4 May, the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee published a report roundly criticising DEFRA’s preparations for Brexit. The Committee took evidence in preparing its report on 7 March 2018.

In this Newscast, Christopher summarises the findings of the report, outlining its stark recommendations and conclusions, which highlight just how much more work DEFRA must do to prepare for Brexit.

EU infringement proceedings for air quality – tune in from 6.12 mins

On 17 May, the European Commission confirmed that it has referred the UK, together with France and Germany, to the European Court of Justice for failure to respect limit values for nitrogen dioxide and for failing to take appropriate measures to keep exceedance periods as short as possible.

Christopher discusses these infringement proceedings in the context of the new Clean Air Strategy, published on 22 May.

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Source: LexisNexis Purpose Built
Lexis®PSL Environment Newscast—May 2018